Edible Insect Trade Group Advocates Support for Insect Agriculture – NACIA Responds to efforts by Senators Flake and Cortez Masto to Prohibit USDA Subsidies for Insect Agriculture

Edible Insect Trade Group Advocates Support for Insect Agriculture – NACIA Responds to efforts by Senators Flake and Cortez Masto to Prohibit USDA Subsidies for Insect Agriculture

The North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture (NACIA) responds to efforts by Senators Flake and Cortez Masto to prohibit USDA subsidies for Insect Agriculture December 17, 2018: Global interest in Insects as Food and Feed was sparked by the 2013 release of a report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO): Edible [...]

Lookout Landlords and Regulators – Insect Businesses Set to Grow.

Lookout Landlords and Regulators – Insect Businesses Set to Grow.

“Try finding a landlord that lets you raise 5 million crickets in his building…” I hear a soft chuckle on the other end of the line. “Yeah – we’re excited to expand but there’s a lot to consider!” I’m speaking with James Williams, owner of Crunchy Critter Farms. Williams, along with Sean Schultz, Brian Battle, [...]

Collaboration is Key For Future of Edible Insect Regulations

Collaboration is Key For Future of Edible Insect Regulations

Class is in session! The rustling of eager students settling into their seats softened as the lights in the auditorium dimmed. "Let's set the stage to discuss the U.S. regulation of insect-derived foods," began Ricardo Carvajal, director at Hyman, Phelps & McNamara. He was about to take us on a journey touching on what is [...]

Tiny Farms on Regulations, Barriers to Entry, and the Technical Side of Insect Farming

Tiny Farms on Regulations, Barriers to Entry, and the Technical Side of Insect Farming

After being virtually introduced by a distant mutual friend, Jena and I hit it off quickly. Owner and brains behind Tiny Farms, Jena was witty, driven, and a joy to speak with. Tiny Farms is a San Francisco based startup working on pioneering smart, scalable insect farming. We hopped on a call to discuss data, crickets, [...]

Regulations Surrounding Entomophagy

Regulations Surrounding Entomophagy

Why We Couldn't Feed Insectivores Insects & Future FDA Regulations Jarrod Goldin, one of the founders of Next Millennium Farms, speaks about the incredible entomophagy movement gaining popularity.  Next Millennium farms is leading the protein revolution with a new, environmentally sound method of food production. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be releasing his interview [...]